Monday, October 19, 2009

What are the signs of good sex?

It's always after good sex and a strong climax, as I drift to a calm deep sleep that I get this image in my head, a tiger licking his paw and mouth after a good meal in the jungle. I don't know when it was the last time I watched a wild life documentary on TV but it seems the image somehow stuck in my mind and my brain can't help making a strong connection between sex, food and the wild. I was told I get a nice smile on my face as I drift to sleep and I know it must be the image of the tiger that triggers the meal memory in the wild. However, the imagery never visits me if sex was not Wow! or the orgasm cataclysmic. It has become an unfailing sign of good sex for me. I wonder if all good sex needs to be of a wild nature or somehow associated with the wild to be real good...

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