Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Make online search more universal!

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 2 April 2008 by member ontie

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Google has a great translation tool that allows you to translate foreign websites into English, but I was wondering if Google search results on an English keyword include results from relevant foreign websites that have been translated in English by Google's own translation software.

If Google doesn't search from a translated database of all foreign (non-English) sites, I think they should. This would require more storage capacity and thus be more costly to Google because it would mean we must replicate the amount of sites stored in the database from which search results are drawn.

On the other hand, however, such a feature will make online search truly global and with the right algorithms even more relevant!

Would you refund someone if you drank from his or her cup?

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 2 April 2008 by member pedvieira86

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I witnessed this incident in a bookstore cafe. The cafe had a large round sofa with small tables in between for people to place their drinks. Next to me was sitting a woman in her thirties and next to her was a guy in his twenties. There was a table between them where they both placed their cups of coffee. The cups looked identical and they were placed too close to each other.

The guy and the woman seemed very absorbed at what they were reading. At some point the woman, apparently by mistake and without realizing it, grabbed the guy's cup and sipped from it. After a while the guy realizes it as there is lipstick on his cup!

The guy then starts complaining to the woman next to him. She apologizes. He then asks her to refund his coffee since she had just admitted it was her fault. The woman apologizes again but refuses to give a refund. The guy then becomes irritated and they get in an argument. The woman does not bulge, so he goes to the shop's cashier nearby to complain.

It gets better. The guy starts talking to the person at the cashier and he keeps pointing at the woman. At some point the woman who is watching this goes over the counter where the arguing gets louder and I can hear them very clearly!

The guy who had asked for the manager in the meantime demands that the shop refunds him for the mistake the woman had done. The manager agrees to do so! The woman, however, is very upset at all this and asks from the shop to not refund this guy because it was not the shop's fault what the customer had done with his cup of coffee...

Interesting huh? It gets better...

The cafe manager finally settles the dispute by offering to buy both the woman and the guy a new cup of coffee. The woman gets her coffee first and goes to sit back at her seat. The guy's coffee takes a bit more time to prepare, so by the time he is ready to go back to his seat, a friend of the woman who had just arrived a few minutes earlier takes his seat. At this point the cafe is crowded and there is no other seat where the guy can sit! Shit happened, right?

You can probably imagine what happened next. The guy becomes very upset and he starts arguing with the two ladies that this was his seat and that they should give it back to him...

Wish I had a camera with me to videotape this incident. It was one of those very rare incidents where you catch people arguing too much and in a somewhat absurd manner for things that seem too trivial. Or are they?

What do you think? Should the woman have refunded the guy? Why did the shop owner agree to refund the guy if it was the shop's fault? Why did the woman demand that the shop not refund the guy?

Any chance these two might have been a team of actors playing some kind of trick on a TV show? I looked around but there was no camera or TV crew...

I don't know. What would you have done if you had found yourself in that situation? If you had sipped someone else's coffee by mistake? Would you refund it?

Our hypocritical attitute towards nudity...

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 1 April 2008 by member gogol328

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Have you ever wondered why ancient nude sculptures or paintings fully exposing male or female genitals or other parts are not censored or considered inappropriate whereas nudity in movies is often censored or considered inappropriate? Isn't that hypocrisy?

Nice legs or beautiful face?

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 1 April 2008 by member tamaram

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If you were given the choice to be born with nice, long legs or with a beautiful face but not both, which one would you choose?

I would choose a naturally beautiful face because with the right kind of exercise, dress and shoes women can make their legs (short or long) look attractive. I think too much plastic surgery can actually destroy a person's face. Do you agree?

Revenge with a Blow!

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 31 March 2008 by member Sabina

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I like the concept of revenge gifts that get posted on this site. Here is my mean, dirty and somewhat amusing I hope contribution:

Send tissue paper or hankies to your ex made from used women's pads :)

Homeless people die from cold, why?

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 31 March 2008 by member mimiko

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Why don't homeless people move to warm climates where they will never die from cold? I wouldn't mind if some of our taxes or charity money was used to pay the ticket for homeless people to move to warm regions where no one dies from cold. I think this is smart and effective way to spend money and make a difference!

So that we never have to read news like the following:

"Homeless man found dead likely succumbed to cold"

The bitter cold and windy weather appear to have caused the death of a homeless man in his found on the cliffs behind Union City's Doric Apartments today, officials said...

Wood in fire placed like bowling pins on the stage!

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 31 March 2008 by member mlahita

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Thinking about it probably began when I first heard my grandparents complain about not being able to light the fireplace as often as they used to. The reason is that they had to rely on others to carry the wood inside the house. So, what about a simple mechanism that carries the wood from its storage place into the fireplace? The idea came to me when I was out playing bowling with my friends. The plastic pins were switched to wooden pins in my mind for a moment and since then I kept thinking, why not?