Thursday, October 22, 2009

Greece declares Buckruptcy!

I feel so depressed.

The Prime Minister announced early elections two years after he had announced early elections citing "Major crisis" then, citing "MAJOR crisis" now.

What so depresses me is that the emphasis in our leader's minds is in capitalizing major than in overcoming our collective crisis.

Elections might prove the best course of action to avoid worse later. But we will only know that after the result of the elections, won't we?

Some people might be feeling elated or relieved. Probably those who see themselves coming into power.

But I'm not feeling happy at all about how our Prime Minister declared my country's sense of buckruptcy. Real Bankruptcy on the horizon folks!

One thing in particular that saddened me was realizing once again that our political world governs everything in relation to what others have done worse, not in relation to their dreams for a better outcome.

They are definitely worse than us so that makes us so much better. Just like that. Vote for us!

If only Einstein had lived in Greece, he would have come up with the theory of relativity at a much younger age. The theory's spirit would have been so obvious to him and would have assured him about the universe too.

That's infinitely certain.

Since in Greece everything is infinitely uncertain, however, I work very hard to eliminate "relative thinking" from my system for the sake of healthy personal growth. It's not that I don't like my relatives or that I want to get rid of them, although getting rid of some of them would be nice.

It's their worst-habit superlatives I can't stand. It hasn't been easy to unplug those even though they never entrenched inside in any grave depth. So I've done it.

And the result has been wonderful. I'm on a path of healthy and rewarding growth when people around me seem confused and lost in theirs.

Yet I can see how those Goddamn bad habits still govern the thinking process of most Greeks around me. Feels like a leech sucking the blood out in remarkable piecemeal fashion. Appetizers first, tzatziki, garlic and a big fat greek salad next, taking us through to the main corpse and then to the Attica desert.

Leaders and followers we all dine alike in our pretty little minds. Everyone is allowed to check out any time we want but we never live for the exit. No will. That's why. It's all about here and now.

Do you still hope this time's here and now will deal a decisive blow to the Greek beast? Keep Walker.

Since no one else seems to be offering Dope or any hope to pin that last drop of dope on, I'll keep drooling on.

I don't know who to vote and I don't care who I will end up voting for in the end. I don't care about people, their names or their faces anymore. Thinking about it makes me sick. Sicking it further, well I don't think I deserve that.

Karamanlis and Papandreou. Same names for so many years. My grandparents voted for them and then they made sure the dealers stayed the same. So that I don't have to bother memorizing any new names. Thanks Grands. Whenever I look for my dope, the same dupes bring it to me.

The ship's sinking everyone. There's only one thought of solace that calms my panic.

Unlike the Atlantic, our warm Mediterranean waters offer hope that those who are good swimmers can make it to the shore alive.

No one will freeze and not everyone will drown, a lot more will be saved.

Captain! (that's what I call him when he gets horny......ideas)...My captain!! Put the old, the sick and the dying on life boats and let the sexy, young and the restless swim to the shore.

"Don't hold Kate!", Leonardo good-boy. That's an order. Throw her into the Greek sharks and shave yourselves onto rocky Mykonos where you can make love all day.

I'm ready for love baby. Greek-style!

Hot, sexy and pro-pleasurist. Full of dope and hope for the future. YeS!

The dope of the matter is, the buck stops with me. And that makes me feel so much better already! :)

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