Thursday, May 21, 2009

Clever. Punctuation!

I saw this posted on a blackboard as a test question for a class titled Visual Communication. An English professor wrote the words: 'A woman without her man is nothing' then asked his students to punctuate it correctly. All the males in the class wrote: 'A woman, without her man, is nothing.' All the females in the class wrote: 'A woman: without her, man is nothing.' Explain. I don't know who thought of that test question, but I think it's clever. Punctuation is. Powerfu!

How to make money from Social Networks Terrorism!

The Israeli government warned that terrorism groups are using Facebook and other social networking sites to recruit Israeli citizens as spies and asked its citizens to beware.

If you receive a message from someone you don't know asking you to pass classified information for payment, he could be a terrorist. This is so stupid. And so easy to make tons of money from the terrorists without undermining national security. Agree to the deal, request that the money gets deposited to your account and do a Google search to find info related to the one they ask you, then write it up and email it. You get the money and secret service can track the source of the payment too. Top secret classified info cannot be confirmed right away by any terrorist, if they had the ability to do that they wouldn't be asking it from you in the first place. This is a stupid way to advertise Facebook but even if it was true it's potentially profitable, so why not, what the heck!

Special glasses for laptop use in plane

Some airlines (Delta, United, Virgin etc) are rushing to offer Wi-Fi internet connections in economy. Most people cite cramped space on the tray table as the major problem for laptop use in a flight but I think privacy is a more serious problem. Text chatting with my girlfriend or friends, I wouldn't want the guys sitting next to me reading what I write. We are all curious creatures by nature and easily tempted to read into everything that gets displayed on someone else's computer screen.

One way to solve the privacy issue is with special use glasses that the passenger puts on to watch what is displayed on the computer screen which stays turned off. I looked up online and found out that head mounted display glasses already exist. They connect to common video sources and are ideal for mobile entertainment and information applications.

I expect that as in-flight Wi-Fi becomes available and people take their laptops with them, there will be a big demand for use of such glasses to protect privacy. I think it's a smart investment to buy stocks of companies that make them.

Message to Obama: Don't markets amply reward value anyway?

The message from the Obama team is that we have to reward people who add value to the economy by producing real products and services instead of rewarding bankers with sky-high bonuses and salaries which they haven't really earned nor they deserve. While I agree with the principle that people who add value to the economy should be rewarded and people who don't should not, I'm very confused by that message being repeated by Obama over and over.

Entrepreneurs who add value by innovating and creating successful new products do get rewarded very handsomely. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Page, Sergey Brin etc. These people Are rich unlike bankers who get paid well but receive nowhere near the rewards successful entrepreneurs receive.

When there is no money around to give, bankers get fired. When there is, bankers get it. When a banker gets a high bonus, it's because he has earned it. When he hasn't earned it but still gets it, it is because the government gives it to him. My point is that bankers don't create money out of nothing, they get it from somewhere.

So long as they can be creating ways to get it, it sounds awkward to say that we need to reward other professionals more, unless Obama means we disperse taxpayers money directly into other professionals' bank accounts as bonuses for services or products they have not yet created or might never will. Just like he did with recent AIG and Citigroup bonuses for example. At least I can understand how that works. Hey you failed but here is your paycheck. I, the government, give it to you.

Saying however, that people who add value to the economy should be rewarded more than bankers who don't add any value, that I don't understand. Doesn't the market already reward successful people in every field anyway? What's wrong with that to want to make it work otherwise or differently? I don't understand why and how, in a merit-based market economy the reward system should change.

For the government to say we got to change the reward system in our market-based economy when the government rewards failed bankers with taxpayers' money it's confusing and convoluted. If the government gave the money to the failed bankers already, that means that they somehow deserved it, so be clear with your message Obama, what exactly do you mean when you say other workers should be rewarded more than bankers in a market-based economy that already rewards success in the market? Do you plan to play market or do you plan to subsidize the market? Or are you just saying?

You know, just stop paying high bonuses to Failed bankers and we are back to square one. Let them fail. Regulate. Simple. Stop preaching if your actions don't measure up to the message. Stop preaching about not wanting to reward failure in the system when you have already rewarded failure by keeping failed banks alive. Not cool.

Market failure and regulation is change we can understand and already believe in. That's why we elected you anyway. Be cool.

A radical international relations idea..

What if we made it mandatory that all students of international relations complete a minimum of one sexual experience with a man/woman from all 190 or so different countries that exist in our world? A 4 year degree takes 1460 days to complete which allows, on average, 7 days to enjoy a close and intimate relationship with a foreign partner.

I think people tend to be more sympathetic and open to other people's problems if they had (good) sex with them (sex usually is good and fun to have). By adding this requirement, we enhance the quality and real-life experience of our diplomatic corps and foreign policy experts. Actually students of any discipline that adopts this requirement can become better international relations experts.

Multinational student exchange programs will become more popular and with the aid of the internet, students will be left to freely choose the foreign partner they prefer. Those who can't find one can join group study :D:D:D

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wiretapping critical thoughts

If I ever publish a book or have my paintings exhibited I want to have a hidden recorder placed behind the frame of the painting or inside the cover of the book so that I can listen to people's raw thoughts about my work. If I own my work, I should be entitled to unfiltered access to its criticism. When that becomes my constitutional right in the form of a Patriotist Act, I wouldn't hesitate to exercise it. You?

Squat Teams

According to Ayatollah Khomeiny's Political Philosophical, Social and Religious principles: "When defecating or urinating, one must squat in such a way as neither to face Mecca nor to turn one's back upon it." How serious are they about it? How do we know? Do toilets have chalk drawings showing proper squat? What if they don't?

Does the devout muslim carry a compass that beeps when facing the wrong direction? Do Squat Teams sweep and clean each and every WC? How do they contact the raid? Must they face Mecca or turn their back upon it? And just how do they reprimand the sinner?

Say he's stuck in the toilet seat facing Mecca, does he get rescued immediately? Or left in the seat for hours and days as punishment? Does sainthood require an impeccable squat record? Are sins of squat squashed, washed away or flushed down the pipe following confession?

A torrent of very important political, philosophical, social and religious questions springs to mind as one takes a deep squat into the teachings of the know in a way that neither faces nor turns away from Mecca :)

Voice Ironying Software

"This is final call for passengers Graabir Boubi, I-Bin Pharteen and Awan Afuqya. Please come to the gate immediately your flight is boarding..."

Sometimes the problem is with a funny name but sometimes the problem is someone funny totally mispronouncing the name or adding their heavy ethnic accent to it.

So I am sitting at the airport and thinking that all announcements should use a software that digitizes the voice of the announcer, neutralizes the heavy accent, corrects mispronunciations and irons out all the kinks in calling funny names and eliminating irony. Calling it a voice iron seems most appropriate :)

The lost beauty of George W. Bush

People made fun or criticized Bush for not being smart or intellectual enough as president. Yet what people don't realize is that Bush was probably the most skilled president in terms of being able to ask a question and embed the answer in it. If you follow Bush's rhetorical questions you will realize that they are not rhetorical at all.

The answer is always embedded in it. Here's an example the media often cite to show how ungrammatically sound Bush is when all he is trying to do is weave the answer in the question.

Bush says: "Rarely is the question asked. Is our children learning?"

It's so obvious they are not and you know that as soon as you read or hear the question. This is a great skill and an act of brilliance by Bush. It was often overlooked in favor of spotting mistakes and making fun of him. That's mistaken!

Free computer games for terrorists

I have in mind computer games made for terrorists and given to them for FREE! They will be games of destruction where the terrorists get to blow up anything they want's the catch, they will always succeed. We wouldn't want to challenge a terrorist to blow things up for real out of game failure, would we?

Monday, May 18, 2009

An intranet system for commercial flights

What about installing an intranet system on commercial flights whereby passengers could text chat or play games with each other? Passengers could use live text chat to meet or talk to other passengers or play games with others on the flight without having to change seats to do that. Isn't a long flight more fun when you happen to be seated next to someone who is very interesting to meet and talk to? How often does it happen though? Instead of leaving it all to chance and serendipity, an intranet system that can connect each and every passenger in the same way online social networks and playing games do would make flights more fun and interesting.

head-bobbing stabilizer

why can't (some) indians talk without moving their head? stop-head-bobbing courses or some kind of neck-aid that helps stabilize an indian's head would be a hot new product to sell...

no more restricted view seats

restricted view seats in an opera is when you can't read the surtitles from where you're seating. why can't the opera houses provide individual text-scrolling devices on those seats? a small hand-held device that streams text is not rocket science and it doesn't cost much to buy and provide. if you can't change the view, work around it!

Mamma Mia, Pappa Trio

Wouldn't that be a more descriptive title for the famous musical and movie? One mamma and three fathers taken one at a time classifies as a trio. The play was written in the 60s where DNA testing wasn't a popular method to discover paternity and know for sure who your father is. Perhaps that's why great stories like Mamma Mia can not be inspired in our times. The DNA testing kills the most imaginative Pappa Trio part of the story. [As we say in Greek, the Pappa takes his Tria tou...] :D:D:D

The spiritual interpretation of toilet time in the West

I am responding to JackSparrow's earlier post here about squat principles in Islam. The text in Greek on top of this door reads: "Room for free expression and self-concentration". As you can see, what people in the West do in the toilet Can have spiritual significance. The spiritual dimension of one's toilet activity here seems equally important to the physical aspect of it. It be no surprise if some people behind this door practice the insignia with religious fervor. That the Pope didn't include the principles behind this form of spirituality in his teachings could have been, after all, a grave omission :)