Thursday, November 12, 2009

Which is greater, A or B?

A. The number of 6-letter English words having n as their 5th letter

B. The number of 6-letter English words ending in ing

Hint: you don't have to survey the Oxford English Dictionary or even know how to count to figure it out.

Rename bonuses

Bankers and CEOs believe they rightfully earn their multi-million dollar bonuses even though research after research shows that luck, or what we call a good year, is the random cause behind a year's extremely good performance (and similarly behind a year's extremely bad one). We know CEOs will never willingly give away their multi-mullion dollar "performance" bonuses but we also know taxpayers hate to pay for them when the companies they run go under. I think the first fair step is to rename all higher than $1 million bonuses from "performance" bonuses to "lucky" bonuses. The bonuses will still be paid but it will be punishable by law to refer to them by any other name.

The big shots can't object to the name change because they will still be entitled to collect the fat paycheck. Yet they will be denied the pleasure that comes from thinking or believing that the bonus is a rightful reflection of their charisma and skills only. How's that for a start?

good orchestra and bad orchestra

how to tell? cause a one-minute power cut and sink the hall in utter darkness. a good orchestra should be able to keep playing as if nothing happened. no need to read the score just play from the heart. a good audience should be able to keep listening from the heart and not bother to shout 'lights please'

cut and plant

do you think it's a good idea to make it mandatory that for every tree that's cut a new one is planted in its place? I think so. new seeds are not expensive and planting them is not difficult to do. governments can subsidize the cost or provide tax incentives to the companies. Do you agree it's a good idea? I am very interested in hearing all points of view on this. If you disagree please tell me why

A coarse course

A typical blond trying to figure out the cause of her coarse throat. A typical smartass suggesting that it's either too much intercourse or simply her understanding of intercoarse. Butt, Off Coarse! :)

IQ University (99% parties, 1% tests)

If you're not smart I don't expect you will ever appreciate my concept. But if you are, I know you've already thought about it on your own and so I grant you free admission to the class of the best and the brightest. The IQ university only requires testing your IQ every semester to make sure it never drops. When you score higher with every new test, you graduate with Honors. The stick is IQ tests. The carrot is endless parties! No studying, no reading, no homework.

Are you wondering this is all a joke? Are you perhaps thinking why would anyone want to employ someone who partied through college? That's because He is the elite dude. That's because He is among the best and the brightest and His mind hasn't been spoiled by the arbitrary confines of our rigid educational system.

And by partying all the time while in college, He feels ready and fresh to do some well-paid work for a change. The only thing He needs to prove is His higher intelligence

He was gifted with. The reason for which our current education system is against the IQU has to do with the fact that the world is inhabited (and will soon become uninhabited because of it) by people who are not smart enough to be admitted to IQU and thus want no one else to be admitted either.

If you're still dismissing the concept in the back of your mind, then you definitely Don't belong to the elite. I just wasted these lines trying to convince you about the merits of my concept because your lack of higher intelligence forbids you from appreciating its lofty workings.

For most of your life, you eagerly lumped the fact that you're not a genius and so you're harboring resentment towards those who are. But you can do us all a favor and get back to your homework and let the truly talented enjoy the gift they were given, which is....Partiesss, ooops I meant high IQ..:D:D:D

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


"They love and hate, they grapple and spoon, they want and don't want, and as time goes on they each sink deeper under the other's skin. It's a real show, patty-cake, the follies and the circus all rolled into one, and dollars to doughnuts it's going to be like that till the day they die."

Who is the author behind these lines? It's one in a million shot. No search engine can ever reveal who this passage belongs to. No one, except the author himself perhaps, can tell. But will the author notice the words are his in the first place? Thrown as they are in a totally random, new context that bears no relation or reference to the original work itself, will they sound familiar to him? Who knows.

Assuming he can tell right away the words are his, how does he proceed next? As far as he can see, he has two options. He can openly claim ownership and satisfy the curiosity of everyone here. Simple as this solution is, it bothers him when he contrasts it with his second option.

He can let the mystery linger, perhaps perpetually inside the minds of his new readers. After all, they are no more than a motley crew of online strangers who've never heard of him before and for all he can tell, they will never be interested in reading any of his original works. So why bother. Option two seems fun but the author's vanity will never be affirmed and no matter how much he wishes he didn't have to grapple with it right now, he can't ignore its powerful grip on him.

As he reflects between the two options, he unexpectedly realizes there's a third one he must think through if he's to proceed with option two.

Suppose someone else reads the words and recognizes who they belong to and then that someone else comes out openly and points to the author before he has a chance to do so himself. Suppose that someone else is a fan or a loyal reader who instantly recognizes the words of his beloved author and rushes to tell everyone who the author is.

The idea that his readers will be able to recognize his work even when it's taken out of context is a flattering thought to him adding strokes to his vanity. However pleasing it is to contemplate, option three is not as straightforward a solution as it initially sounds and for some reason its very conception now seems all the more troubling to him.

Waiting for a reader to restore due credit to the author when he, the author, could do so himself sounds as if he is too willing to cede control of his actions to someone else on something that involves him so intimately. It's true that for all anyone here cares, the author can come forward and claim ownership by portraying himself as a reader or fan and use that person to point back to the author. We will never know who the reader is, let alone ever suspect he or she could be the author. By deciding to go with option three, the author reckons, he gets to settle the issue on his terms.

Alas, his anxious mind sees the set up and immediately drops option three. The very person who took the author's words out of their original context and is now challenging him to claim back what he owns is a very devious mind who knows very well what she's up to. He can see it clearly now. By explaining option three to everyone here in full detail, nadia or whatever her real name is, has irrevocably surrendered all the secrecy involved in handling the affair according to option three.

It doesn't take much to figure out that the more we read into the lines, the more we get spooked to expect that anyone (other than the author) who references the words back to the author could be the author himself. While it's true that we'll never be 100% certain it was the author acting as a fan or a loyal reader, the very suspicion that anyone acting on behalf of the author can be the author spoils away the pleasure of proceeding with option three.

By opening his eyes to the setup, the author now feels relieved to know he has avoided its roguish contraptions and proceeds to drop option three.

So far, the only thing we know about the author behind the quoted passage is that he is a man. Not necessarily a man in real life but at least someone with a male name.

For all we know the author could very well be a woman or a girl hiding behind a male pseudonym. Perhaps to complicate matters more, the author could be a male wishing to be perceived by the public as a female writing under a male name. Perhaps the quoted words don't belong to any real author out there and are the fictitious work of an online prankster who took it upon herself to entertain other people's minds.

The author, however, knows none of this is true and none of this will matter when he openly re-connects his name to the quotes. But as of now, he still hasn't made up his mind. No matter how much effort he exerts to make the right decision, the options before him come to a splitting end. Either he comes out and reveals who he is, or he musters control over his vanity and goes with option two, never to allow himself to reveal himself and thus neither let anyone else do so on his behalf...

The Republican enigma

When Bush was in office, Republicans claimed they were doing good, but now that Obama is in office they claim they are doing good still but Obama has tanked the economy. What's going on?

The way to bridge this seeming contradiction is by looking at it this way. The Republicans may now be saying they are doing good still while Obama is in office but few people believe them anymore and their popularity is not going up as a result of their claims.

It seems to me the Republicans are great at shooting themselves on the foot and that is good for the country, good for Obama and good for the Republicans in so far as they discovered a way to allow themselves to feel good about themselves even if the rest of the country doesn't take them seriously anymore.

That skill of doing good at every level and pleasing oneself by hurting oneself which the Republicans so amply possess at the moment should be highly commended :)


It's a bug that lives in your nose and it's hard to pull out like a regular booger, it sticks to the inside of your nostrils and may stay there for ever. It's called boog-mesis and comes from a beautiful orange-blue flower that is most common in Queensland and South Australia. The flower exudes alluring aromas that make people think it's harmless. Even the slightest whiff can be enough to welcome the tiny bugs in your nose. To recover from boog-mesis, you'll have to take nasal spray every day for a month before intense sneezing subsides and even then healing may not be complete as the bugs can fester in your nose for months. Be careful during spring and summer. Mesis!

Choco Pens

The idea is chocolate bars in the shape of any item students carry with them at school and place on their desks. Good ideas for shapes include pens, pencils, notebooks, stationary, exam sheets etc. To be eaten or chewed upon when bored during class. Some students are in the bad habit of chewing the tip of the pen when bored, why not chew a chocolate bar that looks like the pen but tastes so much better? The taste can be anything the student likes

Kill 2 Birds or (up to) 600 fish with 1 Stone!

There is a fishing practice in Japan that uses birds to catch fish. A British friend reminded me about it when he heard me using the phrase, kill two birds with one stone.

"If you aim for the wrong bird in Japan", he said, "your kill might cost you up to 600 fish on a good day". Yeah, right. It's true though. Not many people know about cormorant fishing so if you're interested here's how it's done.

The cormorant is a dark-colored water bird with a long neck, a hooked bill, and a distensible throat pouch. The fishermen keep the birds on individuals leashes and can handle up to 12 of these large birds at the same time. Around the birds' neck they place a small ring to prevent them from swallowing fish above a certain size.

Cormorant fishing only takes place at night. To attract a fish a bright burning wood brazier is suspended above the water. The birds are then allowed to begin their hunt.

When the bird's pouch is full, it is pulled back into the boat and its catch is removed. Each time the bird is put into water, it catches from two to four fish and a total catch on a good night is about 50. Cormorants need about two weeks of training before they can do their job properly. Cormorant fishing was invented to catch a river fish called ayu or sweetfish which disdains fisherman's bait. The fish is highly prized in Japan.

When you throw a stone to hit two birds in Japan, be careful which birds you aim for. Cormorants are worth a small fortune and are great entertainment to watch. :)

Obama didn't soften up US foreign policy.

A lot of people believe that US foreign policy has softened up because Obama is in charge. It's true that Obama is someone who actually believes in dialogue and diplomacy. But I don't think the reason why US foreign policy softened up is because of Obama. It's rather because the US has more pressing problems to deal with domestically.

US Presidents set the tone and direction of the country's foreign policy. Obama is definitely more interested in solving his country's problems first. The rest of the world can wait. Better still, other countries can start work on solving world problems on their own.

Surprisingly, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize even though it is clear his priorities are domestic. He rather be remembered as the President who transformed America than the President who brought lasting peace to the Middle East.

If the Palestinians and the Israelis, for example, make peace under Obama's watch, it will probably be because they want it more than the US or its President do. The way things stand, it's highly unlikely that Israelis and Palestinians will make peace any time soon.

So be it, the US tells them. When you're ready, we're here. In the meantime, good luck on your own.

People say Obama reads the world very well, that's why he is not interested in forcing anything on anyone. I think the opposite is true. Over and beyond Obama's belief in dialogue and diplomacy, the US can't afford to be a bully anyway. It's very convenient and productive that Obama is in charge and the US is not swimming against the world's currents.

But go with the flow, that's the only option anyway!

Hack into someone else's romantic marriage proposal

My thought brings no harm or embarrassment to any party. Some people can afford to take their significant other to a romantic spot and while they look up into the sky, a plane forms the words "Marry Me". The guy usually takes out the ring and proposes. Nice idea but costs money. A solution to make it more affordable is to group people who plan to propose on the same day together and have them share the cost but, personally, I don't like that idea so much.

I prefer to hack into the company's log, check where and when the plane will take off, take my girlfriend there and propose to her while the guy who will actually foot the bill is also proposing nearby. It's called taking advantage of open spaces, I am not stealing the other guy's moment, he still gets to do his stunt. I, on the other hand, am effecting a multiple use of an event that is bound to take place anyway, why waste it when others can benefit from it and when no one will ever find out about it?

If you don't know how to hack, hire a hacker, it will still cost you much less than if you paid full price for the thing. How cool is that? Wait! I have a last-minute tip. Before you take the ring out, read something romantic to her and use the time to CHECK no name follows the "Marry Me" sentence, the romantic words will reinforce the moment, checking that no names suddenly appear next to the magic words can save you from disaster...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What is your favorite rule of the Church of Satan?

For me number 5 is the most hilarious. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal?? That sounds as hard to follow as a fellow Catholic would find "No sex before marriage" to be. Obviously, no pure Satanist can take it seriously. Imagine you're pure to your faith because you have the devil inside and your Church makes up rule number 5 and asks you to control your lust. It's almost saying "Ban Rape" from your life. It's such a preposterously Christian thing to ask, it's so preposterous it's not even funny.

I think the Church needs to change rule number 5, because it sounds so 999-like. Suspicion is high that the Church has been infiltrated by Christian guerrillas determined to humiliate and destroy the Devil and his legacy. I propose the following variations to give it more of a 69er spin and a nasty breath of hell...

5=999. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal

699. Give the mating signal yourself before you make missionary sexual advances to a member of the opposite Church

669. Give the mating signal yourself before you make all kinds of sexual advances to any member, non-member or dismembered person of any Church

666. You don't have to give or receive any mating signal in order to make all kinds of nasty sexual advances you so darkly desire to anyone you so lustfully desire

That sounds more like a rule written for the Church of Satan. The letter of the rule clearly follows and animates the spirit of the Devil! It's also non-discriminatory, Satanically-correct and designed to lust forever!

I like it better already even though I'm not a versed member of the Church of Satan (proud member of the Church of Someone's-Laughing-at-You).

Help the Church of Satan by picking your favorite from the list and give it The Devil's Spin. May Hell treat your soul with Mercy (lol)


The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth, please examine carefully:

1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. When in another's lair, show them respect or else do not go there.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat them cruelly and without mercy.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved.

7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9. Do not harm little children.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they don't stop, destroy them.

Hey, pick a better role model!

Little Johnny's curiosity got aroused. Why do people say politicians are dumb? Isn't getting rich with little effort smart? Politicians make millions in salary, bonuses, lobbyist payments, bribes, exclusive contracts and money from foreign interests. And all that for doing little more than signing a paper here and there. Can you imagine how smart someone has to be in order to deceive enough people into voting for him or her, and then living off their power? Wouldn't you do just that too, if you had the chance? Save millions in a number account in Switzerland while showing up to work only a couple of times per week, for an hour each time?

Yes I think so, but No I wouldn't.

If I had the chance to save millions in a number account in Switzerland while showing up to work only a couple of times per week, I would be a politician. You're right!

But if I had the chance to save billions in a number account in Switzerland while showing up to work only a couple of times per week to party mad with escorts and off with cocaine, I wouldn't be a politician, I would be Madoff.

I think Little Johnny got his role models wrong. Politicians are ok but neither the smartest nor the richest gang, so..

..little johnny if you are to pick a role model for a rich man who's smart and plays top league, then a politician is only an ok bet. Madoff is a better bet and someone like Madoff who never gets caught is your best bet.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Signs of Wisdom

I know, I know, the title alone can be misleading. The kind of wisdom I have in mind is of a very specific nature. And so are its signs. And so it must be dully noted that what I have in my mind is a result of yet another trip down silly lane. Something has been pervading my thoughts as of late and perhaps you might have some insight on the matter. The intention here is to learn how to appreciate reflections of wisdom wherever they come from and where ever they may appear. So in a totally random fashion I caught myself wondering about hair. Men's hair. White/Grey hair. If its appearance on a man's upper head make him look sexy and wise, is it equally sexy-looking and wise-appearing if the hair also crops up in his groin?

Assuming the area is not waxed or fully shaved and the baldy fellow is in a ramrod state of continuous hypernation, a few grey hair around him would be cute. But I suppose it would be a different story if the bagpipe was in a state of continuous hibernation.

Testicle hibernation would suggest too much wisdom has been accumulated on the cherry splitter that renders him unsuitable to carry out any serious piston movement. So it must be that any signs of sexual wisdom/experience are welcome only up to the point where physical and mental stimulation has room to flourish.

When the condition is not satisfied, the spectacle is not exciting and therefore I say any reference to old age around the sickly cane must be unplucked.

If my visuals feel harsh and disrespectful to the rare spectacle of having white/grey follicles appear around a penis that is no longer a ramrod gun but has irreversibly resized itself into a beetle, then guys remember this. No matter how much aesthetic consideration a woman has for her man, there will always lurk somewhere in her mind's most deepest practical recesses the strong desire to merge good aesthetics with unfettered friction...

And that I hope settles the issue of how to appreciate signs of wisdom where ever on a man's body they may appear. :)

why can't we drink sea water?

Found it on Yahoo..very interesting..

A search on "drink salt water" in Yahoo!'s ever-ready search box linked us to Water Science for Schools, an educational site from the USGS (United States Geological Survey). There we learned the difference between salt water, which contains concentrations of dissolved salts, and fresh water. Salinity is usually measured by the weight or amount of salt contained in water expressed as "parts per million" or ppm.

Water is considered highly saline if it contains anywhere from 10,000-35,000 ppm of dissolved salts. Water is considered fresh if it contains less than 1,000 ppm of salt. In some regions of the United States, slightly saline water is used for tasks like crop irrigation. In regions where an abundant supply of clean, fresh water is difficult to come by, desalinization technologies convert seawater to drinkable fresh water. This is still a very expensive process, although costs are starting to drop, and methods, such as reverse osmosis, are improving. Today, the towns of Avalon and Santa Barbara in California, and Tampa Bay in Florida, are working on desalinization projects.

But that still doesn't answer your question. So, we typed "why can't humans drink salt water" directly into the search box. The U.S. government came through again with an answer from the Department of Energy's Ask a Scientist web site. Prof Bill's response is brief and to the point:

Humans can't drink salt water because the kidneys can only make urine that is less salty than salt water. Therefore, to get rid of all the excess salt taken in by drinking salt water, you have to urinate more water than you drank, so you die of dehydration.

As is so often the case, this answer raises some new questions. How much salt is too much? Salt, like water, is a key ingredient of life on earth. The right amount of sodium chloride (common table salt) is essential for human health. In fact, our blood is 0.9% salt and our body weight is about 1/400 salt. Living cells depend on sodium chloride to maintain the chemical balances required for complex processes and reactions that take place at the microscopic level.

Insufficient salt intake can lead to fatigue, illness, and death, although it is more common nowadays to hear about health problems associated with too much salt. According to the Salt Institute's encyclopedic site about salt, the National Academy of Sciences' recommended daily dose is 500 mg/day -- though most Americans consume closer to 3,500 mg/day. (A teaspoon of salt equals about 2,000mg.)

Optimal salt intake varies -- it depends on a person's genetic makeup, where they live, how active they are, and other lifestyle factors. However, nobody, except for a saltwater fish, is designed to drink saltwater.

How do I make myself happy here?

They say the happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything. All right, but how do you decide what is the best of everything?

There's this girl I really like. She's pretty and has a very interesting personality. I enjoy my time with her a lot. I think of her all the time and I want her to be my girlfriend. The only problem is she likes girls...

Then there's this other girl we both know. She's sexy and she likes me a lot but other than a strong sexual attraction I don't see what else we have in common. Here's how I don't know how to make the best of everything I (can) have...

I can be involved platonically with the girl whose company and personalty I like hoping that one day she might want to be my girlfriend. Or I can keep her as a friend and have sex with the other girl.

The girl I like as my girlfriend, however, happens to be attracted to the girl I can have sex with.

The girl I can have sex with though is not into girls. So if I sleep with the girl who is not into girls I run the risk of antagonizing the girl I like as my girlfriend.

I know I won't be happy if I never have sex with the girl I want as my girlfriend. She, on the other hand, will not be happy If I have sex with the girl she likes. The girl she likes won't be happy with me if I don't have sex with her.

Making the best of everything in my case means to have sex with the girl who likes me and to go on with my life hoping that one day the other girl might become my girlfriend.

Having the best of everything, however, means to have no 1-1 sex with the girl who likes me so that I can hope to convince the girl I like as my girlfriend to have a threesome all together. Why not? She gets to sleep with the girl she likes and I get to sleep with both of them wishing one day I will be more than a threesome partner to her.

So what do I do to join the rare group of people who are the happiest with their lives? Do I make the best of everything I already have and have 1-1 sex or do I choose to try the best of everything I could have and end up with a threesome and possibly with the girlfriend I like?


I use far fewer calories than the average person. I am much more economically and environmentally sustainable. I exhale less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. I use less space and thus I don't need a large house to live in. If the earth was populated by people my size, we could sustain a much larger population for longer. Next time you are about to dismiss or call someone "short", think about all the benefits he or she contributes to the planet and say something short and nice to them about me! :)

Tie back to its origins

Ties were originally used as napkins. They were not designed to serve as something nice to wear but had a function. I would like to have a tie that I can wear as a tie that comes with an extra layer I can use as a napkin. What you see in this photo is close to what I have in mind but not exactly. The photo shows a napkin with a tie painted on it. As you can see it has the shape of a napkin. I would like to have the opposite. A tie with the shape of a tie to also be used as a napkin. I know that with self-cleaning nano-fabrics we will soon be able to use any piece of cloth as a napkin, but a tie would be the most obvious one for me to use because the world associates it with formality, neatness and cleanliness and it's just too tempting to see people getting shocked when I wipe my mouth with it.

If your leader is a clown, is your country a circus?

I used to find it disturbing that a country's Prime Minister is subjected to 2,500 court hearings on charges of bribery and corruption but's never convicted. After reading Berlusconi's latest clown statements I changed my mind. I realize there are some things in a leader money can't buy that are worse than bribery, worse than corruption, worse than what he claims are false accusations of bribery and corruption. Delusions of grandeur is the vice I'm speaking of. Berlusconi just told us he is The Best Prime Minister in human history boasting, among his other well-known "priceless" vices, paying more than 200 million Euros over the years in consultant fees and...Judges(!!)

Need he slip more? I don't think so. And the Oscar for best Honest Clown performance goes to.....Signore Berlusconi!!

Dear Clown Prime Minister of Italy,

As your private banker/secret conduit to impartial justice and unbiased judges, I must warn you. If Unlimited Currency bailed you out all those years, Unlimited Arrogance is the currency to bail you "in" this time. Are you sure you don't want to go back conducting your transactions in Euro? It might be a very wise thing to do. Those fat-cat judges will be better fed in Euro than in your own hard-to-exchange clowrrency.

Dear Desperate PM-Clown of Italy,

Speaking on behalf of the same mankind you speak on behalf of in reference to yourself, please be happy to know that there's Never(!) existed any other clown leader as honest as you. So honest about your own bribery practices that your people follow your lead wherever they go.

10 French troops died at the hands of the Taliban in Afghanistan in August 2008. They died needlessly because the Italians who were stationed there prior to the French troops taking over were bribing the insurgents not to cause trouble. When they switched control, they failed to inform the French troops. As a result, when the French moved into the Sarobi area near Kabul and the protection payments stopped, the Taliban struck, killed them and then mutilated them.

Who's to blame the Italian troops for the actual act of bribery when the Prime Minister in charge of the country brags about giving 200 million Euros in bribes? Everyone in the clown movement knows no bribery is more innocent and justified than the one carried out by the Prime Minister. Why? Because he didn't fail to inform the public before it was too late. Silvio came clean. The Italian army never admitted to the practice until Americans intercepted a call where the unsuspecting Italians talked about the bribes to the Taliban.

History will make note of Berlusconi's coming honest about his dirty work, something his troops failed to do with disastrous consequences. Rest assured that so long as Berlusconi keeps his payments in Euros, history will "judge" him positively.

If bribery wasn't so lethal as was the case in Afghanistan, it would have been tremendously entertaining to contemplate it. When I say entertaining, I mean entertaining as in spending an evening at the circus or something clowny to that effect. Since I seem to be seriously contemplating the whole thing, why don't I check when Circo Medrano comes to town next? Their reputation is quite good I hear.

Until justice is served, I think I want to save my applause and cheers for when Italy's real clowns come to my town. If it wasn't for those 10 French troops dying in Afghanistan, these bribery affairs wouldn't have been so disturbing.

Why does French naivete have to spoil all that circus fun??

And what the hell are we doing sending multinational troops in Afghanistan to kill when the Italians can do a much better job bribing everyone out?

Something tells me that if we let Afghanistan in Italian hands, we'll soon see foreign leaders making state visits with full-scale parades and all that pomp. Not a bomb dropped, not a drop of blood spilled.

Who knows, if we all agree to put Berlusconi in charge of disbursing the payments, the Taliban could agree for a photo-opp with Osama bin Laden as part of the protocol. If you know how to bribe, nothing's too impossible it seems.

So I seriously worry now, why do we need the Americans bombing and killing and missiling the bribe-hangry Taliban when the Italians can give the people what they really want, restore peace, security and economic development and do all that without a blink?

Sounds too preposterous to say but the antidote to the Taliban might very well be sending Medrano in Kabul.

Think about it next time the Circo visits your town. Seriously, think about it!

Make bribes legal

From the guys that gave us the Mafia and inspired Don Corleone, why not let them take the lead on this? The Prime Minister does it, the judges do it, the troops do it, most businessmen I assume do it too. Who's left? If everyone does it, and whoever doesn't accepts it as a fact of life anyway, why not nudge Italians to take the next step and make it all legal? For one, it will help make us foreigners less confused about their norms and practices. Confusion mostly results from claiming that something is illegal when everyone either does it or accepts it. Holland made the use of drugs legal, I see no problem with Italy doing the same with bribery. They seem to be equally addicted. The measure will save lives, money (spent on legal fees) and last but not least...horses' heads!

Non Stop Drinking :)

A man walks into a bar at five o' clock in the afternoon and orders three scotches. Not one after the other but all three at once. The bartender is a little puzzled by this unusual request, but he doesn't say anything and gives the man what he wants - three scotches lined up on the bar in a row. The man drinks them down one by one, pays the bill and leaves.

The next day, he comes back at five o' clock and orders the same thing. Three scotches all at once. And the day after that, and every day after that for two weeks.

Finally, curiosity gets the better of the barman. I don't mean to be nosy, he says, but you've been here every day for the past two weeks ordering your three scotches, and I'd just like to know why. Most people take them one at a time.

Ah, the man says, the answer is very simple.

I have two brothers. One of them lives in New York, one lives in San Francisco, and the three of us are very close. As a way of honoring our friendship, we all go into a bar at five in the afternoon and order three scotches, silently toasting one another's health, pretending that we're all together in the same place.

The barman nods, finally understanding the reason for this strange ritual, and thinks no more about it.

The business goes on for another four months. The man comes in every day at five o' clock, and the barman serves him the three drinks. Then something happens.

The man shows up at his regular hour one afternoon, but this time he orders only two scotches. The bartender is worried, and after a while he plucks up his courage and says: I don't mean to be nosy, but every day for the past four and a half months you've come in here and ordered three scotches. Now you order two. I know it's none of my business, but I just hope nothing's gone wrong with your family.

Nothing's wrong, the man says, as bright and chipper as ever.

What is it then? the bartender asks.

The answer is very simple, the man says. I've stopped drinking.

Why is the world of the rich so Unbelievable?

If you are about to spend $1 bn to build a lavish 27-storey house and buy your wife a luxury Airbus jet, what's the point of giving yourself a 66% pay cut?

I am holding a copy of the Financial Times Weekend Edition and on the first page I read in big letters the title of the article,"A towering example from Ambani" I'm thinking whoever this Ambani guy is, he must have done something very noble to have him on the front page as someone who leads the world by the example of his actions.

Then the first two paragraphs read like this and I quote them here to gear you up (I was)

"Mukesh Ambani, Asia's richest man, who is spending about $1 bn to build a lavish 27-storey house and buy his wife a luxury Airbus jet, this week gave himself a 66 per cent pay cut."

"In reducing his remuneration to "set a personal example of moderation in executive compensation", Mr Ambani, who controls Reliance Industries, became the first high-profile Indian executive to heed his government's call for austerity in corporate compensation."

Is that supposed to make me feel good because I almost feel like crying here, the tears are swelling under my eyes and I can't continue reading the article any more. I feel terrible for the guy. 66% pay cut when his wife is getting him into so many expenses with the new house and Airbus jet?

I find the title and opening of the story too comical to laugh it makes me cry.

Are we supposed to believe that this guy voluntarily took a cut in his pay because his government called upon him to show modesty and austerity in compensating himself?

Are we supposed to believe that he will not be saving himself money cutting his pay all the while selling himself to the world as someone who is actually experiencing the effects of the recession through the pay cut?

What a towering example of hypocrisy we are lured to accept.

I suggest we make it a rule worldwide that billionaires and millionaires never take a pay-cut in their compensation no matter how severe a recession is and no matter how high their official salary. The whole point of having a salary cut is to have a cut in expenses and expensive lifestyle habits. Otherwise, there's no point cutting it to set an example if expenses are not also cut!

What's more depressing than economic austerity is the depression that arises from taking us all, beings of a lesser God, for fools.

The article continues by saying that,

"Tax experts told the Financial Times that Indian tycoons' salaries and bonuses were not their main income and many top executives preferred to earn low wages, which are taxed at about 30 per cent, and instead be remunerated more with dividends, which are tax free."

Can someone explain how Mr. Ambani sets an example by not cutting down on his expensive lifestyle?

I just don't see what the Indian government is so proud about. At best, they forced Mr. Ambani to take a better look at his tax structure and save himself money.

If they tell me that their aim was to make it possible for him to spend his $1 billion in order to stimulate the plutonomy and make the dream of becoming rich like Ambani one day possible for millions of poor Indians, then I can accept that at least we're not taken for fools.

There are no funny words or phrases or emotions in the article, but for some reason this hilarious reporting cracked a smile on my face something that I haven't experienced from reading the FT's front page in a long long time!

Moisturize your neck

Women always put moisturizer on our face but never get it down on our neck. The skin on our neck, however, is the same stuff as on our face, but it ages twice as fast because we don't ever put any cream on it. If you like to speed down signs of aging on your face, apply the cream on your neck. It's common-sense but a good tip nonetheless. Try it!