Thursday, November 5, 2009

Google phone

On the contrary to regular phones, Google phone has an Operating System made by Google. They call it Android platform.

I used it for 2 days and I am not very impressed. It's a new phone, ugly and I don't see it being better than iphone at this point.

My opinion is that it will be better to buy in the next one or maybe two years.

Anyone has tried it?

why go to premium cars?

few years ago a luxury car had what a regular car has today.

I just bought the new Alfa Romeo Mito. It compares to size to cars like Punto, Mini Cooper, etc.. Mini Cooper is a different category of what we call a premium luxury car.

So my new question here is .. Alfa Vs Mini.

Winner by far far far is Alfa.

better design.. better feeling.. faster... better consumption..

oh God and so so so so so beautiful . On the contrary Mini Cooper is to find women who have no idea about cars :)

So my question is why to go to a premium car when there is Alfa.. Sorry I meant to say when there are better better cars.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Paying for Comics with Movies

Stephen W. Saffel suggested that Disney (which will own Marvel Comics) and Warner Bros. (which owns DC Comics) should "decide that it's time for comics to become ubiquitous once again".

Disney has announced their intention to purchase the Marvel corporation which would mean that the two main comic book companies would be owned by major media corporations which also make movies. Disney and Warner Bros. can use the stable of comic book characters they each own to produce films. They can also easily publish comic books about the characters from their movie productions.

A controversial idea would be to make comics "ubiquitous" by making them more affordable. Marvel already could have decreased the paper quality or even art quality if they had wanted to target children with limited budgets. I assume that Mr. Saffel intends Disney to subsidize comics with profits from the movies that would be made about the characters made popular by the comic book medium.

I agree that if it would work, Disney should definitely look at the overall picture of profit between movies and comic books that tie together. Corporations, especially larger ones, can have a difficult time setting up incentives to encourage this kind of cooperation and big picture thinking.

Effectively comic books would be what's called a "loss leader" for movies but it is hard to balance when a loss leader is just a waste and when it drives success elsewhere in the business. In this case the loss leader acts as an idea factory for movies and many of those new stories would fail to gain an audience.

Stephen W. Saffel is an Editor/Content Developer in the hobby/popular culture arena from the Forest Hills, New York. His comments can be found at

who cares about the bell??

pencils put away, notebooks folded, backpacks zipped up, students ready to get out of the class long before the bell rings. everyone's interested in taking a break than paying attention to the class. but wait. once upon a rare time everyone's hooked into the class. no one's rushing to the door, instead everyone's listening to the teacher waiting for him to finish before getting out. no one cares about the bell. this, in my view, is the best sign that students are learning. the teacher whose performance results in students not wanting to rush to their break is a truly exceptional teacher. in my opinion, teachers should be evaluated based on the minutes it takes for students to rush out of the class before and after the bell rings. this is a universal sign of interest and as such it should be adopted as a teacher performance metric everywhere!!

Shop-it-yourself Restaurants!

What do you think of a new type of restaurant where the customers bring the ingredients for the meal and the chef cooks it for them? I'm thinking the idea will appeal to people who enjoy shopping for groceries and food but don't want to spend time cooking after. A good idea would be to have the restaurant conveniently located close to food markets. Nothing is charged for the meal and profit is made from monthly/annual membership fees. It's obviously a members-only restaurant. The menu is advertised online offering details on the ingredients/quantities so that customers know what to bring with them and book a table in advance. What's your opinion? Can such business do well?

What's that noise mummy?

It's the neighbors having sex sweetie, but I can't tell that to my 5-year-old, can I?

It's the neighbors playing Wii Fit and by the sound of it seems they're exercising pretty hard at it. They're so loud, aren't they?

Yes mummy, they're so loud... (phew!)

Mummy, what was that noise again coming from your bedroom last night?

Ooops! The dreaded moment of truth for every single mother, knocking my door this time...

That little fib about the neighbors a few nights ago? A life saver. It slipped and fit my occasion so willingly..

Thinking it would probably not be convincing enough, that was all I could come up with anyway.

I guess I must thank my neighbors for their healthy sex life (don't I?), helping me explain to my 5-year old it wasn't mummy playing the Wii Fit last night...


Pay for Time Restaurant

A friend of a friend of mine who lives in Hamburg told me about it. The customer only has to pay for the time he spends there. The charge is per minute, you pay nothing for the food you eat, only for the time it takes you to finish your meal. The name of the restaurant is Take A Minute. The faster you eat, the less you will have to pay.

Wondering if the food they serve is worth the time checking it out. Has anyone been there?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

vice president meaning?

Do you know that the word Vice also Means defect, corruption, generally it has bad meanings for non English speakers? Why do we call Vice presidents , VICE then? :) Do you think there is a conspiracy theory behind this?

Secret Service Pollitics

I don't care where Your pollitics lie, it's obvious Obama should Not be killed. But should a poll on Facebook asking if Obama Should be killed, be killed? Secret Service asked Facebook to take the poll down and Facebook complied saying the content was inappropriate. Bad taste disgusts me but censorship Offends me. Killing Obama is a crime. Killing a poll is apolling. Welcome to the new era of Secret Service Pollitics. Please vote on Thispoll before Secret Service kills it or Obama's life will be in Grave danger...

Make unused buttons disappear

I feel good about a remote control that allows me to hide all the buttons I don't use. This heavenly gadget is sure to hit all my function buttons head-on istically. Have you ever thought why most remote controls have more buttons than we ever use? I can only speak for myself, but be that as it may, my own remote control buttons are way less than those of any remote control I ever owned! :)

Horny Flakes :)

The history of Corn Flakes, I read, has to do with one man's horror with sex, his fear that by eating wrong foods people will become sex addicts and flake society apart.

Meat especially was believed to stimulate longings of the flesh. So it was in 1906 that John Harney Kellog introduced a number of foods designed to promote health and decrease interest in sex. One of those foods was Corn Flakes! It is a big mystery then how the word corny today means...horny. Based on the history of corn as a food designed to decrease interest in sex, it should have the opposite meaning. Perhaps a pheromone-fortified new food designed to restore corn's true libidinous effects might be just the right product to introduce into our daily, sexually-enhanced diets. Me so corny darling, can you get me a potent start of the day with a bowl of Horn Flakes??

I'll add the cream later,

women's rights

we live in a society where women have more and more rights every day because of feminist acts. What do you think was wrong with our society in the past and what has changed? Did we evolve as people and we understood that all this time we were wrong? Or we just try to prove that we don't care about discriminations and we think that everybody is equal now? for example gay to non gay people, women to men..