Saturday, May 16, 2009

big fat tummies

why are so many opera singers big and fat? does it help their singing or is it a coincidence? I don't know if it helps with the singing or whether it has to do with keeping one's mouth open for too long that it leads to the habit of taking big mouthfuls. I can see though how a big fat tummy can develop if diet can't be controlled. perhaps an unintended consequence of opera singing?

Thoughtfully Transmitted Diseases (TTDs)

Common symptoms include headache, migraine, flaky brain, kou-kou thoughts, slow-mindedness, dullness, idiocy. Please contact a specialist if you think you have contracted a TTD. It's usually transmitted during a platonic encounter, a prolonged study of cliterature or when having a condom-free intellectual intercouse with a person of the same or opposite sex. Intense sexual fantasies are a major cause of TTD. Sexy men and women are most vulnerable to it. For their sake please refrain from thinking too deep about them when at it. A certain level of frivolity and innocent playfulness should be maintained at all times! :)

Mobility aid for the impressionist painter

Impressionist paintings seem hard to paint because the artist has to move back and forth all the time to see what the painting looks like from afar. Stand too close and the painting looks like a messy patch of strokes. Take one step back and the pieces come together. A joystick-controlled, wheel-powered stunt for the artist to stand on when he draws and move him back and forth can spare extra walk and save energy. I don't know if such an aid exists but if it doesn't, why not?

Choose the music you like while on hold

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to choose the music You like when you are put on hold? An automated system that allows companies to give customers the choice to listen to any music they like when they are put on hold would be a nice little innovation.

books I

How about a new website for book exchange where users from every corner of the world list the books they own. The site will allow for a search function to locate the book you are interested in and for sending an email to the owner who lives nearby to request if you can borrow it from him or her for a few days. Like on ebay, if you don't return the book, you will be rated by the community as an untrustworthy borrower and have hard time borrowing again.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bar and Restaurant Menus

I was at a bar restaurant recently and I was sitting in a dark area of the store. I could not really read the menu due to the lack of light. I thought it would be good to have menus printed with reflective letters so that they light and make it easier to read them. Maybe only for the name of the drinks and food but not for the prices :-)

When Grandma Goes to Court (joke)

Lawyers should never ask a Mississippi grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer.

In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?' She responded, 'Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.'

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'

She again replied, 'Why yes, I do.I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife. Yes, I know him.'

The defense attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said, 'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair.'

Vote Against!

What is your opinion about making the Protest Vote in a democracy more explicit and direct? We consider it a Protest Vote when people vote for a minority or fringe candidate that has no chance of getting elected or when they post a blank or spoiled ballot paper. What if, instead of voting for the candidates we like, we voted against the candidates we don't like and the candidate with the least amount of Against Votes wins. I know it sounds cynical, but isn't the Protest Vote in the many indirect forms it takes more cynical anyway??

Celebrity Sleep Recordings!

Wouldn't that be clever marketing and a good business idea? Celebrities are adored worldwide and the fans love to buy anything that relates to them, so why not audio recordings of them while they sleep? Weird fans can then play them when They go to sleep and experience sleep tele-vocality with their favorite celebrity. A few suggestions of mine to the concept. I recommend famous comedians keep the farting echoes, snoring cannot be edited out. Combine the above with falling off the bed sounds and the recordings will become top of the charts hits! :)

How to find inspiration for your paper

I would like to put here, emphatically, that the best cure for a writer's block is manual labor. If you're having trouble with a story or something, get up, and mow a lawn, move heavy boxes, take a walk, whatever. The muse is loosened by the sweat of your brow. I just had my fair dose of it and now feel ready to wrestle over this paper due tomorrow. Or maybe I am still procrastinating musing out loud on the web instead of rambling paper thoughts on Word (lol)

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Does anyone have a good explanation why we use a word that means sexual intercourse for situations that are personally frustrating, troublesome or unpleasant? Is that how people think of sex? Isn't sex supposed to be fun, exciting and pleasurable? When in trouble we say Fuck! does it mean we wish to have sex instead? If it's a wish why isn't it taught as a polite thing to say to someone? Fuck! I don't know...

Cemetery licence for NYSE

Cemeteries are good business because no one escapes death. Cemeteries experience booms during wars and recessions. The NYSE can make money if it uses its underground as cemetery for people who commit suicide after losing all their money. The concept is to reenact the old ritual of burying the dead in the field of battle.

When the bulls come back to make money, they can do so by stepping over real dead bodies which can act as a reminder to all that booms Are transient!

Karl Marx

Owners of capital will stimulate the working class to buy more and more of expensive goods, houses and technology, pushing them to take more and more expensive credits, until their debt becomes unbearable. The unpaid debt will lead to bankruptcy of banks, which will have to be nationalized, and the State will have to take the road which will eventually lead to communism

Are you in favor or against people marrying online?

The idea is to give people the extra option to marry online if they want to. Make online civil marriages as legally binding as the ones performed at the mayor's office. It's becoming all the more common to meet people online and spend hours chatting on the net and form real relationships, so why not give people the option to marry online if they want to? The benefits are reduced costs, faster planning and an opportunity for new virtual-wedding businesses to develop. We could describe these web weddings in one word 'Webdings'.

Webdings will probably result in an increase in cross-border weddings. To prevent fake international marriages done for immigration purposes only, the couple will have to submit to the authorities of the country they wish to reside a chronological resume of their online relationship which will have to have a duration of at least a couple of years.

I think it is an interesting concept and the public debate about it should start online.

When Grandma Goes to Court (joke)

Lawyers should never ask a Mississippi grandma a question if they aren't prepared for the answer.

In a trial, a Southern small-town prosecuting attorney called his first witness, a grandmotherly, elderly woman to the stand. He approached her and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know me?' She responded, 'Why, yes, I do know you, Mr. Williams. I've known you since you were a boy, and frankly, you've been a big disappointment to me. You lie, you cheat on your wife, and you manipulate people and talk about them behind their backs. You think you're a big shot when you haven't the brains to realize you'll never amount to anything more than a two-bit paper pusher. Yes, I know you.'

The lawyer was stunned. Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'

She again replied, 'Why yes, I do. I've known Mr. Bradley since he was a youngster, too. He's lazy, bigoted, and he has a drinking problem. He can't build a normal relationship with anyone, and his law practice is one of the worst in the entire state. Not to mention he cheated on his wife with three different women. One of them was your wife.

Yes, I know him.'

The defense attorney nearly died.

The judge asked both counselors to approach the bench and, in a very quiet voice, said, 'If either of you idiots asks her if she knows me, I'll send you both to the electric chair.'

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

female viagra

yes you read it right. You can use viagra even if you're a woman. It works like a dream! and what is the purpose of that? It's not like we cannot get it on. good point, breast resurrection perhaps? and fewer headaches maybe? :)

the most expensive sex is free sex

by Woody Allen...
and he's so right. $200 dinner last night and not even a single kiss

Some women are like high maintenance sports cars. They're lots of fun when you're out on the town together, but for every hour of showing off, there are another 10 spent on upkeep and repair behind the scenes. After hours of polishing the headlights in your garage, you might ask yourself -- is this really worth it, just for a couple of rides?

I wouldn't want to settle for a hybrid though. I just love the sound of the engine of a sports car moaning the streets. Since I can't own it or repair it myself, I usually borrow it or rent it from a friend who can afford the cost. Makes the ride Fun :))

Thank you, IT WAS a lovely dinner...

I think we can all agree that Woody Allen is right about free sex being the most expensive sex when the man pays for dinner and the woman isn't kind enough to pay back in kind. They say women are kind creatures but how kind are they really when they will deny late-night kindness to their dinner provider??

I noticed women are extremely smart when they thank the man they will not be kind to after dinner. They will usually say to the guy who gets the bill Woody Allen style, "Thank you, IT WAS a nice dinner". I don't know if it's just me who noticed it, but the women who won't pay back in any kind manner will probably never thank back by saying "Thank you, YOU ARE so kind". The way I see it, both statements are polite, but only the second is full of promise!

If the girl says, "Thank you, YOU're so kind" that's the green light for a big smile on my face while I'm thinking at the back of my mind what my chances are to say something like "It's been My pleasure and if you like I can show you some more of it tonight!" without ruining the moment. To really say the line I must know that the girl has humor. If she doesn't I will probably prolong the smile and only say "It's been my pleasure really" and try to think hard of another way to suggest my pleasure to her :-))))))

But if she says. "Thank you, It was a nice dinner" then that's cold and impersonal. Any mention of sex, free or expensive, is irrelevant at this point. It's just an expensive dinner.

Those moments I wish I had taken the girl out on a very discreet restaurant that only exists in my fantasy, the kind of place where waiters come to the rescue by splitting the bill before they bring it. Or they ask politely, "would you like me to split the bill" whereby I can jump and say "that be nice, thank you". I really wouldn't mind tipping handsomely the guy for saying it.

But that almost never happens because the concept of a Split-Bill restaurant doesn't exist. It only gets created in my mind when It, Tha Dinner, Was very nice. That's because, when I, I Am soooo kind, the girl's late-night kindness take over all the space in my mind Woody Allen style... :P:P:P

how to meet FBI agents..

exchange emails with your friends about a terrorist attack :)

yes waste their time like that. Like their job is not serious enough . btw it's CIA and not FBi responsible for such things. will I get to play that fun little game called water boarding after the FBI agents come to meet me and say hello? need to know because when I exchange terrorist attacks with my friends I become too focused and forget to carry a water pistol with me! :)

Is it true?

I'd like to know if it's true that all good-looking women have the fantasy to sleep once in their life with a man who is short and not very 'handsome'. If you're good-looking, please be honest about it.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

you sick of facebook?

I know it';s fun but how the heck can I remove my profile? It has a really ugly interface but people still like it. WHY??? I mean is there ANYTHING valuable in it? Everything is useless and people don't even realize they're wasting their time. btw it scares me a lot the fact of the complete lack of privacy.

even application developers in facebook violate the terms of service. It's a creepy service for people who love wasting their time. Yes I have a facebook account but I'm not wasting my time in it looking at other people's personal moments. It's just a form of communication with my loser friends

Live forever on Facebook

If you can't remove your profile on Facebook, what happens to it after you die? It stays there and no one updates it. No one will even know you died unless someone posts your death notice somewhere. I can imagine the perfect application for Facebook, one that maintains and updates people's profiles after they die. It will send gifts, accept friend requests, send new friend requests, use other applications etc. The name of this new application? Eternal! And you can install it on your profile any time, even after you die, no problem, your lack of privacy continues to be respected on Facebook after death :)

clothes for couples

you ever think why heterosexual couples buy one house to live together, share same bed but never have one set of clothes they can both wear? why not buy some clothes and accessories that both boyfriend and girlfriend can wear? i don't mean buy two of each. i mean buy one item that both can share-wear. not many heterosexual couples think they can share clothes, why?

Viagra 'Starter Pack'

Last time I dropped by the local CVS to pick up the prescription drugs for my grandmother, there was this disheveled, greasy and smelly guy at the counter asking for Viagra so he could "give it to my lady." Never mind the language, I thought to develop a Viagra 'Starter Pack'. It's going to be a cute little man-bag with a trial sized bottle of shampoo, soap, deodorant, a breath mint, a condom, lube, a nail clipper and a couple of Viagra. Because if you're going to give it to your Lady, you need to make sure that the Lady wants to get it!

Introducing the new slap-padded abayas for Saudi women

Women in Saudi Arabia got very upset and reportedly 'protested' when they heard a judge arguing that if a husband gives $320 to his wife and she spends $240 on an abaya from a brand shop (abaya is the black cover Muslim women wear) she deserves to be slapped by her husband as punishment. We all know there are billions of poor people in China and elsewhere, kids included, sweating long hours to produce cheap $2 counterfeits. If a Saudi husband slaps his shopaholic wife then surely it must be out of respect to that little kid in China sweating blood to compete with Hermes. Yup, we all buy that!

It's becoming plain obvious that men in Saudi Arabia think backwards when it comes to understanding the shopping nature of women, a nature so complex and subtle it took years in Enlightenment intensive care for the man of the West to fathom. There is a universal truth that says that if you are the man and give your woman a $320 shopping allowance for an abaya and still seriously expect that she will buy the $2 one, the problem is not with the woman but with the man harboring foolish and unrealistic expectations.

The Western man, after many years of trial and error, responded by eventually letting women work so they don't have to be giving them allowances. The Saudi man still thinks that a slap here and there will do. How conceited!

Wish conceit was that simple though.

If women in Saudi Arabia are slapped a lot, isn't it convenient that they have to wear that black cover all the time? It's a full-blown cover and it's so full that you can hide anything you like underneath. Women also tend to wear sun glasses when they go out so with their eyes rendered fashion-invisible that means one can hide all the shame he wants in a woman. Although original use might not have been thus intended, the abaya is probably the most convenient camouflage for all sorts of slapping to flourish in a society. The good news here, of course, is that Saudi men don't beat women indiscriminately.

They will only do it if there is a good reason to do so. And there always is. Next time you are about to make any unfair generalizations about the state of happy beatings in Saudi Arabia, please remember the Chinese little kid sweating blood to make a counterfeit we all love to have or buy.

What if the global recession forces men in Saudi Arabia to up the slapping ante though? Women might become too scared to buy $240 abayas and that's profit-depressive for foreign and local luxury brands. My advice to all brands operating in the country would be to consider padding the expensive abayas with cushion to soften the blow from the slapping. They will be advertised as smart abayas but only Saudi women will know what is really smart and intelligent about their design.

Every luxury item has a cost. In Saudi Arabia the cost is the threshold of pain that can be tolerated to justify the purchase. Increase threshold pain-tolerance and recapture market share from Chinese counterfeits.

I know. It's definitely a woman's dignity not to be slapped. But it's also a woman's right to be able to buy the $240 abaya she so much desires without being fearful of the slapping afterward just because some young kid in China sweats blood to sell a cheap counterfeit on the street that her husband secretly hopes she won't buy so that he can beat her after.

Recap. The man who doesn't want to have to beat his wife over a $240 piece of cloth let's her woman work for it. The man who likes to beat her woman gives her the money and pretends he is upset about how she spends it.

How many Saudi men actually go all the way to insist that the wife returns the expensive abaya back to the shop? I really don't want to know the actual number because I doubt there are many items returned.

Sometimes I seriously wonder, why is our world so mentally crooked and twisted? Why can't you just slap someone without costing you $240?

Just Kiddinggggg! :D:D:D

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Perfect Woman!

When you see sexy women pole-ironing, don't thoughts of 'The Perfect Woman' inevitably come to your mind? I don't think we can ever escape imagining about the ideal woman and what she is like. The woman on this photo definitely combines some practicality and the skill to please her man with her moves, not bad I think. We should never underestimate the skill of some women to convert the most tedious and boring daily tasks into very sexy and pleasing experiences! :)

Who do they think they are these bartenders??

They are mere employees, their status no higher than that of the cleaning lady but they act as if they own the place. You stand there waiting to give your order and they ignore you. They pretend to keep order but they serve whoever they want first. When you talk to them to remind them it's your turn, they give you that eat-shit look that says I know but I'll serve you when I want. Then they turn around and serve others, usually girls who came to the bar after. Next time I go to that bar I'll bring my own drinks and ask that lowlife to throw them away for me. That should remind this prick of who he is and what he does. Some bartenders are so full of shit they forget that.


Does anyone else here feel annoyed about chopsticks that have to be manually separated? Why can't chopsticks already come separated in the little package? I have been told that I am obsessive about it. I know it bothers me to look at chopsticks unevenly separated at the top. Of course, it's almost impossible to manually split them evenly.

Good Asian restaurants serve plastic or other finer material chopsticks that are already separated and symmetrical. It's usually with the cheap wooden ones that come as a set and must be separated. Honestly, what's so difficult to sell them already separated? Any others in this world who feel this way about chopsticks?

I read somewhere that Chinese gov reinforces restaurants to use washable chopsticks. Lot of people buy those wooden one time use chopsticks something bad for the forests. I believe that is due to manufacturing reasons that it's easier not to split them in 2 pieces. Don't know exactly how it works.

I think the pizza knife might work in helping you split the chopsticks evenly. Just ask for one from the kitchen, it will also help illustrate your point about the chopsticks.

bring your own drink to the bar. Get a discount

You go to a bar where they serve a beer for 4 euros when they bought it for 2 euros. Their profit is 2 euros. What is there was a place where you could bring your own drink and you just had to pay the profit to the bar. In this case bring your own beer and just pay 2 euros!

There could be two prices in the catalogue. One for those who bring the drinks on their own and one for those who order the drink at the bar. It's up to the customer if he thinks it's better for his budget to bring his own drink

Made Off Game

Think you've got what it takes to build a better Ponzi scheme than Bernie? Always wanted to rob, cheat, and steal from innocent investors? Well now's your chance! In Made Off, you utilize your Cellupoints rather than real money. Play as a slimy Fund Manager, a savvy Investor, or both. The game will end without warning when the Feds finally crack down on the Cellufun community, and people managing Funds will get to keep all the Cellupoints invested in them. Investors will keep all the Cellupoints they've acquired through interest payments as well. And we'll give trophies to those who have "made off" with the most profits. Happy scheming