Saturday, September 12, 2009

Isn't sex a masochistic activity??

Think about it. It involves effort, concentration, sometimes pain if not done right and above all you got to sweat a lot before you reach orgasm, not to mention that after all that hard work some people still won't experience it. Technically, it should be categorized as a masochistic activity. What's more, it's all hard-wired into our DNA. But we never think of it this way, what pleasurable hedonistic fools we all are... :D:D:D

Why can't people easily accept display of intelligence?

Even if a woman is naturally very pretty, she still puts on make-up to look more beautiful and attractive when she goes out. If she doesn't overdo it with the make-up and her dress, no man will think she is arrogantly flaunting her beauty despite the fact that most people think to themselves that she is pretty even without the make-up. The truth is that all men will welcome and enjoy the extra beauty she has put on display. Why can't that be the case with intelligence as well? I have noticed that men become very defensive when they meet someone who's smarter than them. Why can't the reaction to something as beautiful as a smart mind be the same as the reaction to something as beautiful as a pretty face?

In-flight live music

Just after take-off and a few minutes before landing. That's a crazy idea of a musician friend of mine. It's not allowed of course but he asked me to ask people how they would feel if an airline offered a few minutes of in-flight live music. I think it's too difficult if not impossible to do on commercial flights but perhaps on a private flight it's possible. hmmm, I must admit that it's fun to imagine it. Flight attendants playing Mozart on the violin and other musical instruments before landing in Austria. That sounds so... Hollywood! Movies are definitely the place this idea can work well :)

Kitchen on the go

You'll probably laugh at the thought, but how about a truly mobile food delivery business that operates in a truck? The kitchen is fitted in the truck which does a regular itinerary during the day around the city. The customer can email, fax or sms the order and have it instantly delivered either to his place or wherever he might be, even on the street. With GPS technology both the customer and the truck driver can see where each other is.

The major daily cost for such business will be gas but that can amount to less than monthly rent if the trucks are hybrid or even electric. Who knows, maybe in the near future such business can be competitive and profitable.

Free Membership Gym Electricity

They already make use of them in California and elsewhere. Running machines and other gym equipment convert kinetic energy into electricity, store it and sell it for profit. A next step would be to build community gyms everywhere that people can use for free. All electricity produced will be given back to the community and result in lowering the cost of electricity for local government which will mean lower taxes.

Super sAliva

I'll tell you what we need. A chemical that turns saliva into a poison/virus/germ detector. If there's a dangerously poisonous substance or germ in my food or drink, then my saliva creates a strong foul taste in the mouth that forces me to spit out the food immediately. It never gets into into the stomach to be digested and cause damage.

First, the chemical must be harmless like a vaccine with no bad side-effects. If it can be made to destroy any poison inadvertently swallowed even better.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

President Swap

Hello America. This is Europe calling. Congratulations for your new President! Better days are ahead for you. How about we swap Presidents with you for a year? It'll be like a student exchange, an erasmus study abroad thing or a library book loan. We'll return him to you. It's a good deal for us because so long as we don't have to vote for him it's the only way we can ever have any kind of non-White President here. Don't worry, we'll dress him well Benetton style using the old maverick beauty of European Democracy. As always, we'll let America take the wheel while we sit comfortably in the back seat. Yes we can...Swap. Old European farts!

America's Back (and it's) Black!!!

Now that the Mac is not back, is it better to buy PC or Google? Whatever the case may be, I am so happy that the choice is still an American one. I always had this image of Obama being a 007 in a 747 flying America's best hopes and dreams all over the world. The guy's very focused and down to earth and having lived abroad in Indonesia and with roots and family still living in Kenya let's hope he will make a great President not just for America but for everyone around the world. He showed great respect for McCain and was very sober in his victory speech. I think America did a great hire in this election

crash-survive planes

what's the material black box is made of? in every plane crash it's usually the only thing that survives so why not make the whole airplane from the same material so that it also survives?

Worst marriage scam

Bribe the pastor to agree to the ceremony without asking you to sign any paper. If there's no paper signed then legally the marriage never happened even though the ceremony took place and everyone thinks you're married. I don't know why anyone would do such a scam. It only makes sense if one doesn't want to marry but must appear that they did.

ironing clothes! the hard way and the easy way

why do most people prefer to do ironing while standing? adjust your chair to the level of the iron board, sit down and gently - very gently - sway the iron up and down. use a chair with wheels so you can move around if you need to. that's all it takes but most people do it the hard way standing and pressing hard on the iron board as they lean forward. why?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sorry, you can't take it with you in the plane!

Most people know by now that new regulations are that you can't carry any liquid over 100ml with you in the plane. Yet some still don't know and many who do know also forget, carry it with them all the way to security check and then are told they have to leave it behind. Since the passenger already checked in their luggage that nice wine gift stays back with customs and most of the time it's never reclaimed. That's because it's not easy to do. How about the item that's left over is immediately tagged and the passenger is given a track number to trace their item online and order it to be shipped at special discount rates given by the airline company the customer flew with.

This is a good idea to keep customers happy don't you think?

dead people's books

religion says the spirit never dies it only separates from body. this is strange situation but if the spirit is alive after death and if there was way to communicate and dead people wrote books that got published would you read them? my friends think dead people's books business is just good marketing to sell books to people who believe in paranormal but if science can prove it can be done what would then your reaction be? would you read it or be scared to death?

How to give more financial aid to students

Raise the money by renting out college buildings and class spaces that are currently used just to give lectures. With video conference technology students can attend lectures from their room. I would prefer that if rented out class space meant I can receive more financial aid to pull it through in this bad economy.

Snack napkin

How about snack food bags came with a small napkin to wipe hands after eating? The napkin or hand cleanser can be wrapped inside the bag or attached in the outside

Monday, September 7, 2009

Roller coaster sex

Imagine the sex coaster where couples assume the sitting sex position they like then get fastened with hands tied and genitals in contact. The coaster stops and vibrates, moves back and forth, then accelerates like a rocket at 190mph gluing the couple together, then slows down and rides up again before the steep decline. Best marketing material for the sex coaster? Pregnant women talking about how they conceived on a roller-coaster. Viagra pills on sale before the ride. Photos taken during the ride capturing the facial expressions of couples reaching orgasm :)

Opposite-taste gum

How about this for a new gum product. A gum that produces the opposite taste in the mouth. Did you eat something too salty you're about to throw up? Even if you drink water you'll still have a nasty feeling. Chew the opposite-taste gum which detects saltiness and reverses the taste in your mouth to something sweet. Ate something too hot and chilly? The gum leaves a cool feeling. Its flavor stays neutral, it'll be like a pill to have in your wallet in case of emergency. Restaurants and shops that usually have regular candies by the entrance should stock them too.

Used-condom engraving

I know some people who drink like to keep the bottles as souvenir and display them in their rooms. What about a new business idea for condom companies, sex shops, tattoo designers or anyone who likes to offer this service if there's market for it. Used-condom engraving where you can have the name and/or photo of person (ideally taken during intercourse) on the used-condom. Perhaps make an album if you rather not display them in the wall of your room! Can you imagine their value if some of your sex partners later become celebrities? (lol)

On the role of a globe lamp in a bar...

I just happened to observe it. The globe is not just a nice decorative item but serves a good purpose if it suits the space (in this photo it probably doesn't, it's quick photoshop). It makes it easier for people to start talking to each other by referring to the globe, places they've been to or they want to go to. It seems so innocent-looking but it's great to start talking. Making it easy for people to socialize and create happy encounters means good business if you're the bar owner, people will come back for more!

Want to help a female celebrity raise her IQ?

Make love to her. Give her babies. If pregnancy raises a woman's IQ that can be an ideal solution to the idiot celebrity problem. That's because it only takes pleasure to produce the desired effect. See, it made Palin candidate for vice-president, 5 more kids and she's back again in 4 years for real. She already had a $2 million offer from a porn director to play in his movies aka presidential prep. Paris Hilton with kids should be able to take over her family's business and not bankrupt it. Point is, if science confirms it and you want to suggest to a dumb that she needs to do something about her IQ, the politically correct way to say it might be 'I think you need some babies and I can help...'

Most men would have sex with beautiful female celebrities even if that wouldn't raise their IQ. We don't always have to help women that much ! :)

Would you become a woman to live longer?? :)

Studies show that, on average, women live more years than men. If you're a man desperate to live more years would you consider a sex change?

Sunday, September 6, 2009

The world is not flat, only Internet is!

I disagree with Thomas Friedman that the world has become culturally and socially flat just because the virtual world actually is flat. How else can it be that I can virtually communicate and meet anyone I want in the world in the online social space but can't get to easily meet all of them in real life. Social globalization will be complete when people can have physical encounters with anyone in the world with the same ease that they do it online. Physical distance is still a practical big obstacle. When everyone can sleep with everyone else, only then the real world will be flat, hot and crowded, just like the internet is right now :D

Cheating Options

Quid pro quo for couples that are married. If you cheat on me I'll have the right to sleep with a celebrity top model or sexy-looking person of my choosing as indicated in the prenuptial agreement. We'll buy the option to do that from an agency or an open exchange. The option can be exercised only after cheating is certified.

Proof of cheating can only be submitted by a third-party such as a private detective. If the suspecting wife or husband went all the way to pay someone to bring proof, then that proof is valid and the option can be exercised. The requirement for proof of cheating will have the effect that only very few cheating options and swaps will ever be exercised.

Top models, celebrities and sexy-looking people who are interested in making some money will apply to the agency or the online exchange and be bound to have sex with someone in case an option is bought on them. If the option is never exercised then they will be making a lot of money because the price of the option will be a percentage of the couple's annual income and payments will have to be made every year as in an insurance policy.

The only caveat will be that for a couple to buy a cheating option and be able to exercise it they will have to be married at least one year. Otherwise people could fake marriages to sleep with the celebrity of their choice and we can't allow that to happen.

The option will be in the money or worth the money if it is exercised but doesn't lead to a divorce!

If the celebrity's sex appeal has significantly changed by the time the option is exercised, the contracting party can ask for refund