Sunday, October 25, 2009

Global Warming Solutions. Eat the sun!

"I eat the sun," Japan's First Lady Miyuki Hatoyama says, raising her arms as if to tear pieces off an imaginary sun. "Like this: yum, yum, yum. It gives me enormous energy. My husband has recently started doing that too."

The land of the Eaten-San is stuck deep in the hole. Creative solutions were desperately needed. We looked around for some unique skills in people to get us out of the mess. Someone whose wife's resume includes being abducted by aliens and a trip to Venus to verify that the grass is green and the girls are pretty sure is the best person you want to hire for the job. I am confident we made the right choice.

So now, if we can all, following the example of our leader, start eating the sun, some of its warmth will go away.

We have it all figured out. If we can just let the people do what's natural to them then Global Warming will go the Kyoto path and global hunger will also be solved!

Here's the trailer for "Mission Impossible 2009: In the land of the Eaten-San", starring, in this life, Miyuki Hatoyama and Tom Cruise.

At least they seem to be genuinely in love. That should count for something, right?

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