Thursday, February 21, 2008

Office chair turned bed for busy people

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 21 February 2008 by member akityan

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I made this thought for people like me who work at the office until very late. A very anatomic chair that unfolds and turns into a bed so that you can sleep a few hours when working late in the office. A lot of people that work in finance or in other industries pull all nighters at the office but there is no bed to rest for even an hour!

Some of my colleagues asked me how I came up with it. They thought I got the idea from traveling on business class where the seats turn into beds. Actually that wasn't the case.

I commute to work by train every day. The other day an old man came in, he seemed to have difficulty walking so I stood up to give him my seat but he refused. He then started to de-assemble his walking stick and turned it into a small tripod on top of which there was a round plastic that served as the seat of a chair! He sat till his stop came and then folded it back and went out.

I thought that was awesome. If they can turn walking sticks into chairs for old people, why not make office chairs for the army of young professionals who rarely go back home to sleep due to overwork?

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