Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lyrics are the key to good music, not just melody or tune

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 20 February 2008 by member michelle

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I was looking at a list of songs from all genres of music that have stayed popular to this day. They all have great melody and tune, what we call music! But I noticed that all of them also had amazing lyrics, lyrics that speak to the heart and soul. I think that if music is another way to express inner poetry tuned in melody, then lyrics are the key to the all time success of a song with good music.

Pop songs these days have either too few lyrics that get repeated too often or no lyrics at all. No wonder they will stay number 1 on the charts for a short while and then be forgotten. Not all music that comes out is bad, but music with good lyrics is rare I think.

What do you think? Have you ever wondered why it is that you like to play some of the songs on your ipod more often than others? How often do you sing or whisper the lyrics of a good song you like?

If you are a singer, or you would like to become one one day, shouldn't you also try to write your own lyrics as well before you rest assured on your good voice only?

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