Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If you memorized 6 x 7 = 42, must you also memorize 7 x 6?

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 15 February 2008 by member kreeft

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In Europe and possibly also in the US, children are asked to memorize the multiplication table in full. I used to think that is necessary in order to enhance our childrens' mathematical abilities. I still think this is the case. Nevertheless, children in China have to only memorize half the table. If you memorized 6 x 7 = 42, then you only need that info to know that 7 x 6 = 42 as well.

Despite the fact that kids in China are asked to memorize half the amount of information our kids in Europe do and despite that their educational philosophy and method is a bit different when it comes to teaching math, the Chinese do very well in international math exams.

My concern is not just about the multiplication table and how to memorize it. That is just an example I used. It has to do with the teaching methods and philosophies in general. I think in Europe, much less in the US, we seem to have an educational philosophy that says you need to know how to "reinvent the wheel" every time, all the time. Too much theory, too much memorization. Do you think this is necessary and helpful at a time when computers have become so fast and software so advanced?

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