Thursday, October 15, 2009

long To Go Home :'(

Void, canceled, simply annulled.
Endlessly aching, unconsoled.
This Life has broken my reason.
Touch without sense, time without season.
I face a life now I don't want anymore
The longing 2 go home eats at my core.
All that makes me I hold deep within,
Leaving me lifeless,
I'm no longer living
A shallow face, anguished and marred.
An empty space, scaled and scarred.
Sweetly abiding to a cynical charade.
Secretly hiding 'hind a fictitious facade.
Still, lost within this heart of glass,
This fragile and yet unfeeling mass.
Lies the remains of a boy that once glowed,
My gift to y'all I once bestowed.

A simple void, is that what I've become?
The hollowed sphere on a pendulum.
Swinging back and forth, emotion to emotion,
Never once stopping, nor slowing the motion.
No reason, no answer, no justification.
The creation of a fucked up imagination.
Just passing through time as time passes me.
Don't come close, please leave me be.
Sightless and soundless, unseen and unheard.
Mindless and boundless, obscure and absurd.
All empathy lying ungraced, unemployed,
I live my life dying,
An unembraced, a void.


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