Friday, October 16, 2009

Collateral Profit

You hear people often use the phrase "Collateral Damage" and it makes you wonder why no one has ever thought of the opposite. What can a good example of "Collateral Profit" be? You've prepaid the very expensive full services of a tall sexy blond escort. You open the door and discover her last-minute replacement. A fugly bulky hobbit bitch. You'll get your money back she says with compliments from the agency...she's the compliment! You're not convinced but you let her blow your steam. After she's done you realize it was a true compliment in deed. At that point you know that, by comparison, the blond's job would have blown the collateral wind in the direction of the damage section of the escort spectrum. You smile but it's not relief that you sigh. That was your collateral profit! :)

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