Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hack into someone else's romantic marriage proposal

My thought brings no harm or embarrassment to any party. Some people can afford to take their significant other to a romantic spot and while they look up into the sky, a plane forms the words "Marry Me". The guy usually takes out the ring and proposes. Nice idea but costs money. A solution to make it more affordable is to group people who plan to propose on the same day together and have them share the cost but, personally, I don't like that idea so much.

I prefer to hack into the company's log, check where and when the plane will take off, take my girlfriend there and propose to her while the guy who will actually foot the bill is also proposing nearby. It's called taking advantage of open spaces, I am not stealing the other guy's moment, he still gets to do his stunt. I, on the other hand, am effecting a multiple use of an event that is bound to take place anyway, why waste it when others can benefit from it and when no one will ever find out about it?

If you don't know how to hack, hire a hacker, it will still cost you much less than if you paid full price for the thing. How cool is that? Wait! I have a last-minute tip. Before you take the ring out, read something romantic to her and use the time to CHECK no name follows the "Marry Me" sentence, the romantic words will reinforce the moment, checking that no names suddenly appear next to the magic words can save you from disaster...

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