Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why Bush should Never have called it 'The War On Terror'

The US was able to torture terrorists captured in Afghanistan and elsewhere using 'enforced interrogation' techniques on 'enemy combatants' whom it refused to call 'prisoners of war'. That's because 'prisoners of war' are covered by the Geneva Convention which strictly bans torture. Yet our so smart former President repeatedly stated the country is at war all those years and kept calling it 'The War on Terror'. It follows by definition that in any war, prisoners can Only be prisoners of war. Duh! Do you see why Bush should never have, not even once, called it 'The War on Terror'? Define stupidity if you can't see the imbecility and you'll figure it out.

With Obama stating that 'enhanced interrogation' is torture, we have, as a country, irrevocably damaged our moral high ground on human rights. We have also perfected practicing hypocrisy and imbecility combined as our very inalienable and totally unique skill set. What a great accomplishment to lock ourselves in never-ending ridicule by the rest of the world!

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