Monday, May 4, 2009

10,000 reasons to be upset at humans if you're a PIG!

I've been called a pig in my life before so I'll imagine being a pig for a moment and see what it's like. Being killed by humans and eaten up for my taste gives me more than 10,000 reasons to be upset at them. What really hurts my feelings, however, is when I get falsely accused for passing the virus to humans and then scientists discover it was actually a Mexican farmer who first passed it to pigs Nobody apologizes to me. When I realize that billions of Muslims and vegetarians around the world don't eat me not because they respect me like a holy cow is respected in India but because they consider me dirty and filthy and bad for health, the blow to my feelings is just too heavy to take...which makes me think that being called a pig might not be so insulting considering that Being a pig and raised in a world ruled by humans is such tough life :((

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