Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kissing the germiest tourist attractions...

I read an article on CNN about the germiest tourist attractions in the world. 400,000 people kissed the Blamey stone in Ireland last year and Oscar Wilde fans who visit his tomb in Paris leave Wilde lipstick marks on it. There is no sign in these places saying they are disinfected daily and they're ok to kiss. The tourist authorities wouldn't want to make people self-conscious about it but how do we know they clean them every day? This article made me self-conscious, not just about tourist spots. In Greece, it's the custom to kiss religious icons in a church. I was forced to do it when I was little. I didn't like it because I believed I was the anti-Christ. Now I know I'm not (I can't even delete the memory of the kiss how could I have been the chosen one?) but seeing other people's lip-prints on the glass is still disgusting to me. Can someone convince me that those hairy/oily Greek priests clean the icons before they ask people to kiss them??

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