Saturday, April 4, 2009

Can you find the integer without Googling it?

Can you find the integer without Googling it?

Taken from a NYT article on Freeman Dyson. What's the smallest integer where, if you take its last digit and move it to the front, turning say 112 to 211, it's possible to exactly double its value? The answer is 105263157894736842 and has 18 digits. Now, what is the smallest integer where you can move the first (most significant) digit to the right, and the result will be exactly half the original number? :)

Can you work out the answer in your head? I couldn't. Instead I searched for it on Google and I got the answer in a second. Hmmm, what does that tell us about the skills we need to succeed in life?

If all knowledge becomes available online and anyone can look up the answer with the click of a button, would it matter how much you know or how able you are to work out the answer by yourself? 

As technology does most of the work for us, are we creating a society where the skill to use technology efficiently will be valued higher than learning how to work out the answers ourselves?

How should I answer that question now? If I Google it, will I get the answer or should I wait for your comments? (lol)

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