Sunday, March 2, 2008

do smart men attract women?

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 2 March 2008 by member francois

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when asking a person what he/she is the first thing to look at a person they will usually tell you the appearance. Obviously the first impressions is important. But you ask them again if being smart is important and 99% will say yes. It's very important and most women are attracted by smart men.
Here's my question though. Reality shows that most women are sexually attracted to men who have a cool style (sometimes a bad person's style) and nice physical appearance. Those women will very easily end up going out with such men. If the man is smart and only smart the only chance he usually has it to end up in a very serious relation. But definitely being smart won't help you to enjoy the pleasures of the night in a bar. What's your opinion on that?

* Sorry for my bad english

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