Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cheating Options

Quid pro quo for couples that are married. If you cheat on me I'll have the right to sleep with a celebrity top model or sexy-looking person of my choosing as indicated in the prenuptial agreement. We'll buy the option to do that from an agency or an open exchange. The option can be exercised only after cheating is certified.

Proof of cheating can only be submitted by a third-party such as a private detective. If the suspecting wife or husband went all the way to pay someone to bring proof, then that proof is valid and the option can be exercised. The requirement for proof of cheating will have the effect that only very few cheating options and swaps will ever be exercised.

Top models, celebrities and sexy-looking people who are interested in making some money will apply to the agency or the online exchange and be bound to have sex with someone in case an option is bought on them. If the option is never exercised then they will be making a lot of money because the price of the option will be a percentage of the couple's annual income and payments will have to be made every year as in an insurance policy.

The only caveat will be that for a couple to buy a cheating option and be able to exercise it they will have to be married at least one year. Otherwise people could fake marriages to sleep with the celebrity of their choice and we can't allow that to happen.

The option will be in the money or worth the money if it is exercised but doesn't lead to a divorce!

If the celebrity's sex appeal has significantly changed by the time the option is exercised, the contracting party can ask for refund

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