Monday, August 17, 2009

Why did they stop producing electric vehicles?

In 1996, the first electric cars were produced, it was the EV1 (Electric Vehicle 1), these were made in the USA by General Motors and started to ride the roads of California.

These were fast cars, reaching 0 to 65mph in less than 9 seconds! They were silent!

They did not produce any type of pollution, they didn’t even have a tail pipe!

They could easily recharge at home or at the mall, you even had preferred parking if you had one of these.

Ten years later these cars of the future disappeared. How was this possible? Why did it happen?

In the first place you could not buy these cars; you could only lease them and when the lease was finished you did not have the option to buy them.

General Motors took back all the EV1, in spite of the opposition of its users.

In 1997, Nissan presented the electric model Hypermini in a Tokyo show.

The city of Pasadena(California USA)purchased these vehicles for some of their city

It was well accepted for its easy parking ability and moved well around the city

In the year 2006, the lease expired and the city of Pasadena needed to return
Nissan tried to purchase the cars from the cars to Nissan.

Nissan recovered all the cars to later...destroy them!!

The lobbiest of the oil companies don’t want our electric vehicles to survive...they want to keep up the oil rage in the middle east, all to protect the oil companies and will continue to kill and destroy anything that get in their way, including us with their polluting vehicles killing all the people in our planet!!!

That's an explanation some people give over the internet. I repeat this is not something I wrote, I had received it over email in a powerpoint presentation

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