Friday, August 21, 2009

Not impressed with men's parking skills

Ok I'll admit that I am hopeless at parallel parking but if men are as good as they claim to be in parking cars even in tight spots why are they so lousy finding a woman's g-spot and parking themselves there??

What we should definetely highlight is my vibrator. He parks himself perfectly in every necessary spot! And since i am also hopeless in parallel parking maybe i should use him while i am parking my car, he might give me the extra skills i need.

Well, considering the g-spot isn't visible, maybe we should give men a break in that area. rather, we should highlight those men who can't find the essential "C" spot (which is a lot more visible than a hidden curb while parallel parking), well... maybe they need a lesson on the female anatomy, or perhaps their girlfriends need a lesson in assertiveness to tell their boyfriends EXACTLY what they need to DO IT RIGHT and stop trying to protect their pseudo-Casanova egos. Could we lay blame on the girlfriends for creating the men who think they're god's gift to women? Anyone care to comment?

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