Sunday, March 9, 2008

WIBO, World Islamic Beauty Organization :)

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 9 March 2008 by member damien

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What's the point of having a facially unprivileged woman wear a nigab - black cloth that fully covers a woman's face - if men are tempted by beautiful women only? Are all muslim women that pretty or are all muslim men that tempted?

What about an Islamic Beauty Organization that sets beauty standards for women and decides who must wear the niqab all the time and who doesn't have to. The WIBO's mission might help solve the issue some countries face with regards to banning or not banning the head scarf in public places...

Does having to wear the niqab reduce car accidents in a country? I am thinking of those instances when men lose their concentration on the road ahead because they happened to see a pretty woman going down the street. It would make for a fascinating debate if such statistics were available...

Personally, I think obliging all women in a country to adhere to a strict religious dress code is ridiculous. I don't feel sad only for the women who after all might be used to wearing it or see it as a fashion statement. I feel sad for the men who get used to seeing less of the female beauty that exists which in turn makes it hard to cultivate good taste in women :)

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