Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Retrace your steps

This thought was posted on Thinkaloo on 18 March 2008 by member elfecito

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This thought is for people who feel nostalgia when they re-visit a place where they used to live in the past. What if shoe soles can be made to have their own signature - similar to fingerprints - which can be saved invisibly on the ground's surface?

With the help of a laser scanning or other device - similar to banknote counterfeit scanners - the shoe prints would show on the surface when the laser falls on them. This way you could easily see and re-trace the exact steps you made and places you visited years ago.

Such a thing would probably require that the surface of cities, town, villages etc is made from material that can save the shoe prints. Assuming such material can be created, it will also require massive investment to install it. It will probably make more business sense to try it in tourist areas or historic spots.

Wouldn't it be nice if such technology existed and used this way?

Just a thought!

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